Dads love Snugglebundls

Top Dad blogging site, 'The Dad Network' have had a Snugglebundl to test and review with their new baby boy. We are delighted that it was loved by them and got us a fantastic 5 star award and a "recommended by" badge as well.

We often send out Snugglebundl's to bloggers to test out but it is rare that they are run by men. It is interesting reading how they look at the product and what features stick out to them. No surprise to us, men do tend to like the rocking feature of the Snugglebundl. This links into what we see at the baby shows, we often find the dads love the fact that you can use the Snugglebundl to rock or swing your baby to soothe them and by opening and closing the Snugglebundl when they are laying in it, you can play a pretty good game of Peekaboo.

The Dad Network were also very interested in our appearance on Dragons Den earlier in the year and were particularly concerned that Peter Jones was so scathing about our product and the fact we were Dads. We had an overwhelming amount of emails about his sexist comments after the programme was aired and it was a shame that he didn't really understand the concept of the Snugglebundl. Well, here's a Dad that has tried it and gets it and likes it for the simple but useful idea that it is. You can read the whole blog at:


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