Now of course we already knew from filming Dragons Den that Mr Jones didn't really fully appreciate the idea of a blanket that lifts a baby and we were a little apprehensive about sending one. However we thought you've got to go with these things, and so we duly sent of a lovely spotty Snugglebundl by courier to the LWT studios for them.
Now in all honesty none of us have ever really watched Loose Women because we are always working when it's on but for this occasion we set up

In the build up to him coming on to sit with the ladies they played a clip of the Snugglebundl being presented and his bemused reaction to it in the Den. Once he was on set they then presented him with a Snugglebundl and to our amusement they'd actually put a little doll in it so they could try it out. We were delighted by the teams reaction as all the ladies really liked the idea, and especially Nadia Sawalha who said it definitely would have been something she would have bought. Several commented on the quality and design and were asking Peter why he didn't invest. He looked a little red in the face as he explained that we'd asked for too much money! Well on reflection we probably did but on the upside we did get to have our Snugglebundl on Loose Women:). It's all great publicity and we are grateful for the team for using us to banter with the Dragon!