NCT get behind Snugglebundl
If you've been keeping tabs with Snugglebundl's progress so far this year you'll know that we've been off to a
flying start. More good news today as the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) have decided to get behind the Snugglebundl and offer them to new Mums on their website.
Since we first launched back in 2011 we have been keen to get involved with the NCT as they are such an established and respected organisation for all things relating to childbirth and parenting in the UK.
We have met a great many members and teachers from the NCT over the last few years at the various events and baby shows up and down the country and In particular we have had great feedback from them with regard to the post birth recovery help that the Snugglebundl offers. This is particularily so for any Mums who have back or pelvic issues that effect their movement or for mums after c section as the Snugglebundl allows parents to lift their baby's without bending.
We wish the NCT well with offering the Snugglebundl to their members and hope that it willbe a huge success for them."